Welcome In Indonesia

"Discover the Colors of Indonesia: Nature, Culture, and Adventure!"


Java, as the most populous island in Indonesia, is rich in cultural heritage, historical sites, and natural wonders. When visiting Java, there are several must-see attractions that showcase the island’s diverse offerings. Here are some top things to see and do in Java:

  1. Borobudur Temple: Located near Yogyakarta, Borobudur is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most famous Buddhist temples in the world. Explore its intricate stone carvings and climb to the top for a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
  1. Prambanan Temple: Another UNESCO World Heritage site near Yogyakarta, Prambanan is an impressive Hindu temple complex known for its towering spires and intricate stone reliefs. Witness the grandeur of ancient Javanese architecture and catch a traditional Ramayana ballet performance in the evening.
  1. Jakarta Old Town (Kota Tua): Visit the historical heart of Jakarta and explore its well-preserved colonial buildings, museums, and cafes. Discover the Fatahillah Square, Jakarta History Museum, and Wayang Museum to learn about the city’s past.
  1. Mount Bromo: Located in East Java, Mount Bromo is an active volcano famous for its otherworldly landscapes. Catch a breathtaking sunrise over the volcano’s caldera and witness the steaming crater up close.
  1. Yogyakarta (Jogja): Immerse yourself in Javanese culture by exploring Yogyakarta. Visit the Sultan’s Palace (Keraton), explore the underground tunnels of Taman Sari Water Castle, and browse the vibrant markets. Don’t miss trying the local specialty, Gudeg, a delicious sweet jackfruit dish.
  1. Dieng Plateau: Situated in Central Java, the Dieng Plateau offers stunning volcanic landscapes, ancient Hindu temples, and scenic views. Explore the Arjuna Temple Complex, hike to the Sikunir viewpoint for sunrise, and witness the mystical colors of the Telaga Warna crater lake.
  1. Bandung: Known for its cool climate and beautiful scenery, Bandung is a vibrant city surrounded by tea plantations and volcanic mountains. Visit the iconic Gedung Sate building, explore the shopping streets of Jalan Braga, and enjoy the stunning panoramic view from the nearby Tangkuban Perahu volcano.
  1. Kawah Ijen: Journey to East Java and embark on a challenging hike to Kawah Ijen. Witness the mesmerizing blue fire at night and marvel at the turquoise-colored acidic crater lake during the day.
  1. Javanese Dance and Wayang Performances: Experience the traditional Javanese arts by watching cultural performances. Enjoy the graceful movements of Javanese dance forms such as the Ramayana ballet or witness shadow puppet (wayang) shows that depict ancient epics.
  1. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah: Located in Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park) showcases the diverse cultures and traditions of Indonesia’s provinces. Explore traditional houses, visit museums, and enjoy cultural performances.


These are just a few highlights of what Java has to offer. The island is known for its mix of history, culture, and natural beauty, providing a rich and immersive experience for visitors.

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